ttf2tfm cyberbit.ttf omcyberb@Unicode@ >omcyberb.log
This generates 256 TFM files - omcyberb00.tfm to omcyberff.tfm (it maystart at '01' not '00' - I forget)
$ for tf in *.tfm; do
> tftopl $tf ${tf%tfm}pl
> done
This generates an equivalent number of PL files to the TFM files withthe same names.
mkovpd omcyberb
This generates the equivalent GIL files and a one 'omcyberb.ovp-data'file that contains the data part of an OVP file for the cyberbit unicodefont. You should edit that together with the 'cyberb.ovp-head' file tomake 'omcyberb.ovp'.
ovp2ovf omcyberb
and move the OVF file to the directory where you keep your active OVFfiles. Also move the TFM files to the directory where you keep those.
Now Omega is ready to work with the new font. I've provided a sampleto try. However, you still haven't got the font ready for oxdvi to display!You need to use the TTF2PK program - from the same place as the TTF2TFMprogram. This will generate 256 'pk' fonts corresponding to the ones definedin the OVP file. TTF2PK allows you to pre-build the fonts or to build themon demand by patching OXDVI. I have OXDVI generate them as required.
All this allows you to use the characters in the Cyberbit Unicode font.It doesn't provide OCPs for all the charactersets. I wanted to 'do' Chinese,so that doesn't matter, but if you want to do Arabic or Sanskrit and havethe automatic character combinations/modifications working. More OCPs willbe needed.